Monday, November 17, 2008

"Go on, go on, go on the stars are watching."

"Just say, just say, just say what you're feeling..."

Check me out: two posts in a row! Woo hooooooo! Maybe someone will enjoy that lil' bit o' enthusiasticness.


What has two thumbs and is all sorts of pimped out to the max ecstatic that Twilight comes out in a mere couple of days?! This kid RIGHT HERE!

Peace out homies! Hahaha!

The End.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what got into you?

i dig musicians said...

Hahaha! No idea. I think I was on my second wind after work when I posted...

Ashley Moring said...

uh... yeah. I already looked at tickets for the Rave in Vestavia. I think the 7 is already sold out, but there is one at 9:45.