Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fez: "I know why I'm not in the yearbook..."

"Its because whitey is keeping me down."

Hey there kiddy-roos! Who loves you? This kid right here. The End.

So, Saturday morning I had to follow The Mom to the Honda dealership so her car could get fixed. I backed out of the driveway and in my rearview mirror I saw a wonderful sight: As far as the eye could see down the street, a shower of beautiful Fall leaves blowing about. Glorious. Absolute gloriousness. AND! the shower of leaves was going on in front of me too! It was fun to drive through. I couldn't help but smile and feel all giggly inside.

I absolutely enjoy Fall weather. I wish the Fall weather would stay consistently Fall weathery.

The End.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...reminds me of going to the park for lunch this week. There were falling leaves everywhere. I just love driving through them hearing the crunching sound they make. Puts me at ease for some reason.