Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"What time is it?!?"

pretty much, yeah...
"Game time!", "Tool Time!", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Time!!!"

Yeah, I totally made up that last one...

Attention class! Raise your hand if you've seen the new Harry Potter movie... Now, those who saw it before it came out -- and for free -- keep them raised. HECK YES I DID!!!!

It was so incredibly, stinkin' awesome!!!! It is, by far, the best HP film that has been lie. I peed my pants so many times that night.... (1. because I was so excited about seeing it, and 2. because I fo' sho' was not going to get up during that movie and miss any of it... hahaha! Juuuust kidding.)

That was really all I had to say for now. I do have a rant post that I'm working on to post at a later prepared.

The End.

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