Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"I'm gonna pee on your parade..."

"...and it's gonna smell funny." (my Patrick)

Well hello children!

Updates, updates. Where to begin?

Oh, wait! I know! Since last I spake to you my house got jacked. Long story short, for those of you who missed the rants on facebook and twitter, my parents' house was broken into and among all the things they snatched, my Macbook, external hard drive (with close to 1million pic files dating back almost 10 yrs, all my music files and other files) and my Nikon D40 and zoom lens are now no longer in my possession...

I've been in mourning.

Who wouldn't be?

The emotional loss for me completely out-weighed the monetary value loss (?) since all my pics are now gone.

Luckily (or blessedly?), Patrick had some of these pictures (and music files) on his computer! :)

Maybe I'll be able to post the others that have been re-worked later...

Peace, kiddies!

The End.

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